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Re: Routing via US (was Re: Canadian Web Hosting)

Apparently the following will report the country of origin directly *at command line*:

   |curl ipinfo.io rogers.com|

reports as follows:

   |{ "ip": "", "hostname":
   "pool-174-116-29-27.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com", "city": "Ottawa",
   "region": "Ontario", *"country": "CA",* "loc": "45.4112,-75.6981",
   "org": "AS812 Rogers Communications Canada Inc.", "postal": "K1R",
   "timezone": "America/Toronto", "readme":
   "https://ipinfo.io/missingauth"; }<head><title>Document
   Moved</title></head> <body><h1>Object Moved</h1>This document may be
   found <a HREF="https://www.rogers.com/";>here</a></body>|


Or, altenately,

   curl ipinfo.io rogers.com | grep '"country":' | awk '{ gsub( "\"",
   "", $0 ) ; print $2 }' | cut -f1 -d,

to get the basic country code,


There is also the option to use this approach:

   |whois | grep country -i -m 1 | awk '{ print $2 }'|



On 2025-02-07 12:28, rob [ at ] echlin [ dot ] ca via linux wrote:
mtr can give you the list of IP addresses in a format that puts the IP address in a predictable numbered field.
That can be parsed by grep or awk or Python 4, or whatever.
   Or maybe you can turn off all the other data in mtr? Did not check.
Anyway, with that, you can pass the IP addresses in a loop to some geolocation tool.

Sample output of mtr using some params for convenience:
rob@bunny:~$ mtr -n -b -c 1 -r namespro.ca
Start: 2025-02-07T12:30:41-0500
HOST: bunny                       Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best Wrst StDev   1.|--                0.0%     1    2.4   2.4   2.4 2.4   0.0   2.|--                0.0%     1   19.9  19.9  19.9 19.9   0.0   3.|--              0.0%     1   19.7  19.7  19.7 19.7   0.0   4.|--              0.0%     1   20.1  20.1  20.1 20.1   0.0   5.|--              0.0%     1   20.0  20.0  20.0 20.0   0.0   6.|--              0.0%     1   19.4  19.4  19.4 19.4   0.0   7.|--               0.0%     1   19.6  19.6  19.6 19.6   0.0   8.|-- ???                       100.0     1    0.0   0.0   0.0 0.0   0.0   9.|--               0.0%     1   35.9  35.9  35.9 35.9   0.0  10.|--               0.0%     1   39.6  39.6  39.6 39.6   0.0  11.|--             0.0%     1   35.5  35.5  35.5 35.5   0.0  12.|--             0.0%     1   32.6  32.6  32.6 32.6   0.0  13.|--               0.0%     1   34.1  34.1  34.1 34.1   0.0

Your loop has to keep going after number 8 in this list is NOT an IP address.


On 2025-02-07 11:24, rob [ at ] echlin [ dot ] ca via linux wrote:
The mtr on Ubuntu 22.04 doesn't show any geolocation information, as far as I can tell, looking at the fields listed.

On 2025-02-07 08:52, Richard Guy Briggs via linux wrote:
On 2025-02-07 08:46, James via linux wrote:
Is there a command that will look up the geolocation of every ip in the
traceroute for me?

mtr -t namespro.ca

    slainte mhath, RGB

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