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Re: Canadian vs USA VPS (was Re: setting up email server)

  • Subject: Re: Canadian vs USA VPS (was Re: setting up email server)
  • From: Ron / BCLUG <admin [ at ] bclug [ dot ] ca>
  • Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2025 09:09:48 -0800
Tug Williams via linux wrote on 2025-02-03 08:27:

So Trump could shut down all those sites with an executive order?

I was going to ask... but then decided to RTFI... It seems Canada has direct undersea cables to the outside world (phew). Canada connects to Greenland, Iceland, and on to Europe, and directly to Norway.


I see that map and come to the opposite conclusion: we're woefully under-interconnected.

Did you look at the other coast?

There appears to be 1 (*one*) trans-Pacific connection from Vancouver to Takahagi, Japan - via the Topaz cable.

Possibly an arctic connection to not-Canada.

So, not only can Canadian sites using .com be locked out of their domains, and sites hosted in US clouds be denied access, but even if all that were on .ca and hosted in Canada, our interconnects are pathetic.

Finally, I'm fairly certain any traceroute from Vancouver to any place in Ontario or east of that travels via US.

The canada.ca and Coast Guard sites seem to stall out at (Bell?) on the 6th hop, TekSavvy's agg01-van2.teksavvy.com behing hop #5.

Previous testing showed routes almost anywhere, including other parts of Vancouver, are routed through the US.


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