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Re: sending email via teksavvy relay

Tug Williams via linux wrote on 2025-02-01 18:26:

rua and ruf are aggregate and forensic reports. I have no idea what they will contain, but time will tell.

fo means what types of forensic reports. I have turned on all, until I get bored of the messages

Nicely done, Tug.

Those reports have not been of any actual use to me in 99.9% of the time.

They're XML files which can be posted into some online analysis tools to parse, or manually parsed (Nope!).

I hate that.

There is, from memory, one company (Fastmail?) which puts a nice text report in the body of the email, which I greatly appreciate.

Keep us (me?) posted on what use you make of the DMARC reports.

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