Good Morning John,
Have you investigated video subtitling software? They allow the playing
of media, with the option to enter text, which is stored in a subtitle
file (human readable time stamped text). The ones I've used allow for
back up to re-play a bit to allow the text to be correctly typed, and
timestamp to be precise.
It sounds like your goal is to add a parallel source to the video/audio,
ie your book, and to index position in text to position in time.
Packages seem to come and go. A quick search shows the following on Gentoo
aegisub (I've used this) -
gaupol -
subtitlecomposer -
subtitleeditor -
On 1/14/25 12:21, Nash JC - NCF via linux wrote:
Most of you know I've been playing around with TTS for creation of
audiobooks. I've have VERY positive reaction from a blind friend to
works she's "read" (listened to). Some stuff at in mp3-audio and m4b-audio
directories. I'd aim for m4b, but CNIB members mostly have mp3 players
at the moment.
I've a chance to get a student editor to try out read-along gathering
of infelicities in the audio. For example, Rideau
gets read as "Ride Oh". Lots of proper name glitches. And homographs
like "read" (present tense) and "read" (past tense)
get fouled up.
I'm thinking of trying to cobble together a tools to allow read-along
with note taking. The main issues are avoiding having to change focus
from player to e-book displayer to note-taking editor. However, if I
can somehow communicate
keyboard shortcuts or mouse button clicks from a single interface,
I'll try to avoid fully custom application.
My draft spec is below. FWIW, I've been documenting some of my work
Cheers, John Nash
Design for tool needed to allow for “editing” of audiobooks.
Current specification calls only for making notes while read-along
listening. I want as much as possible to use existing programs or code
chunks, and for the moment will restrict to Linux.
1) Create (with GUI dialog) a “project profile”
- text file (already converted epub probably simplest so plain text
can be used)
- audio file(s) (maybe restrict to mp3 for now), in sequence. May
want to start with just 1, and divide the text accordingly.
- Notes-log location
- Other stuff (date, time, user(s))
- Back and Forward steps
2) Main application
- present a control dialog: Positioning of “play” and “read”
separately before start.
- Start play. Want keyboard shortcuts for Play/Resume, Back, Forward,
Pause, Exit of player, Up and Down in reader. Can we use numeric pad
codes for this, leaving main keyboard free for notes.
- Control to Insert note, Edit note, Leave note. For starters, put
notes on lines or with paragraphs rather than insist on exact
position. Can we capture timestamp for notes from player and
auto-insert them.
- Initially use text editor to clean up Note-log.
3) Can think of many ideas to streamline above, but believe simplicity
at first will give more chance to decide what works and what doesn’t.
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