Hello All,
Although I have been on this list for a long time, and have even made it
to the odd in person meetings a long time ago I have by and large been a
fairly passive observer. Mainly because my actual knowledge of Linux
pales in regard to the members of the group. I have picked up a lot
though osmosis by listening in though.
I do however now find myself in need of assistance.
By way of background I am in the process of upgrading the computer
controlling my two CNC machines, one running a router spindle, the other
a laser. The router, communicating over Ethernet, is working fine. The
laser using an older control board that needs a parallel port, not so much.
The box is a Lenovo M92, i7-3750, 20G ram with a 256 SSD. Tons of
horsepower for the job. The big problem is that it, like most modern
units, has no parallel port onboard anymore. I have installed a PCI
single port card, which is being recognized, but when I do a lspci -v it
shows card fine but the associated ports as being disabled. I can make
it work by changing /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:03:00.0/enable to a 1 (or
2). Then the disabled goes away and I can get the CNC laser to function
as normal. All good, BUT, at any restart it reverts back to 0 and is
disabled once again. The ports are at 0x000 / 0x010 IRQ 255.
It is running Debian 12 with the 6.1xxx RT (Real Time) kernel. The
machine software is LinuxCNC but I don't think that is the issue as
everything works once the ports don't display disabled.
What I need advice on is where in the blue blazes is the code that is
reverting it to the 0? I have gone through virtually every .conf file I
can find under /sys and have found nothing. I am quite sure that there
is a simple fix, I just don't know where to look. All of the online
help leads to installing drivers and initial setup and so far I have
found virtually nothing about this enable/disable glitch other than it
can't be a 0 in that file. I also looked at the BIOS (well UEFI) and
did not see anything obvious.
Any and all suggestions welcomed.
Stephen Nourse
stephen [ at ] snourse [ dot ] ca
Happy to also chat or set up a remote session if it would help.
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