Hi All, There is such an emphasis on bilingualism at the Government of Canada that I am putting all of my spare time into learning French so won't be able to attend this meeting (but have started to attend the Linux-Meetup Aux Quebec<https://www.meetup.com/linux-montreal/>, which I would highly recommend). [https://secure.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/1/6/0/e/600_520085646.jpeg]<https://www.meetup.com/linux-montreal/> Linux-Meetup au Québec | Meetup<https://www.meetup.com/linux-montreal/> Les Linux-Meetup sont des rencontres informelles où plusieurs personnes discutent de ce qui les passionnent et font un partage de leurs cheminements dans le monde des logiciels libres avec GNU/Linux.Le tout se déroule dans une ambiance décontractée et amicale. Venez rencontrer des gens passionnés ay www.meetup.com Sincerely, Katie ________________________________ From: Scott Murphy Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 17:00 To: caretakers [ at ] linux-ottawa [ dot ] org Subject: July Meeting... We didn’t really have any discussions on topics on a July 4th meeting. I might have something, but nothing definite yet. I’ve been a little busy and on training the past week and a half. Does anyone have a topic they would be interested in presenting? I know that John and Tug will not be available. Cheers, Scott -- Scott Murphy scott [ dot ] murphy [ at ] arrow-eye [ dot ] com<mailto:scott [ dot ] murphy [ at ] arrow-eye [ dot ] com>