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April 4th Meeting announcement: 2024-04-04 @ 19:00

Meeting Announcement

Linux-Ottawa April 2024 Meeting.


Thursday April 4th at 7pm


Online over Jitsi https://meet.jit.si/oclug_2024-04-04_greaseweazel <https://meet.jit.si/oclug_2024-04-04_greaseweazel>

Check mailing list for in-person clusters being hosted by other members.


Scott Murphy will give a talk/demonstration of using a greaseweazel for floppy data recovery.

We had a somewhat recent list discussion on recovering data from floppy disks that realistically do not have current support or hardware.

The talk will be an absolute beginner's attempt to recover some of that data and by “beginner's attempt”, it means I have not previously attempted to read “foreign” diskettes from 40+ years ago, so this is a brand new thing for me to try.

John Nash has a short talk on the annual burden of tax filing, PDFs, and using pdftk. A usual, there are unanticipated challenges with even what appears to be the simplest of things.

JF Messier may have an item to discuss as well. Assuming we have not run out the clock at this point.

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