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Re: Open Source Software for Research and Fleet Management

Hi Timothy and all,

I note that today is the last day to submit a proposal to the Dronecode Foundation's PX4 Developer Submit (I wish I had a proposal to submit, but maybe someone else does, also a good thing to keep in mind for next year):

Hi Katherine,

We’ve had enormous success with the Call for Proposals for this year’s PX4 Developer Summit 2023, but we still have requests by many community members to participate. If you still want to join the program, we’ve extended the CFP to 7/16. To make it super easy, we’ve put together a list of the most in-demand topics our audience has been asking for!

  *   Integrating ROS 2 and PX4 to make a gamechanging app
  *   Vibration tuning
  *   Gazebo and PX4, new models, and simulation workflows
  *   Computer Vision, VIO, Obstacle Avoidance
  *   Beginner's guides to PX4 core concepts

SUBMIT A PROPOSAL<https://email.linuxfoundation.org/e3t/Ctc/RI+113/cZw--04/VWJP3x2T4cg1W16qJyK99CRJhW3rtmkr50XR27N44_Db_3q3phV1-WJV7CgZ5yW1HHtNt3l-GB2W79XxGh23Cp1_W3p9WPN1YQVFyW6j6cPT4gFtHQW3z13938jMlGgW4g3dcJ8Z39QCW3MYMXq4QHPlYW56qfb851JKZdW3Phcsx6QKg-pW8h9GW48dSYGxW1mLXnY3CX0DkW2Yg-5B2KMxHbW5_dz-y4dc7_tW4Yj3WR1wK81DW2sfhNg3vLPmtW1x44Dl5wcCMjW8dQgMs56XjnRW1fs5MW8kNqxQW1X1Py85TRc3TW1Vd7Hm1kkhBvW5zhcR05vwwwSN86_ZNKngf1QVq4mt_5Z_6GhW51tyqy8QGBRPV4x0wQ1XDcgYVPqnvh1Xhdm6W8ZVKbf93z0tdW86nrKZ5mRfKp3pLy1>

The call for proposal extension ends July 16 at 11:59 PDT, so take advantage of this last opportunity to speak the PX4 Developer Summit 2023, New Orleans, October 21-22, while there's still time.

This promotion is sent on behalf of our Linux Foundation project communities who rely on your continued contributions to their efforts.

This email was sent by: Dronecode Project, Inc.

548 Market St, PMB 57274, San Francisco, CA 94104-5401, United States

Subscription Center<https://email.linuxfoundation.org/e3t/Ctc/RI+113/cZw--04/VWJP3x2T4cg1W16qJyK99CRJhW3rtmkr50XR27N44_Db5ckXhGV9V4KD7CgQD-W4lhZlq5ZD-BqW7Q1R_c4H5xcLW7f2-_Z3W9LqtN7bzSlPvD2wvW3G0Tnx8syRM6W3ZR4q53D5Bj4W6prP-j6pWmHxN33xNhcP3-hjW7j9Ff94-c3R6W8BZTMl8xH8RPW582_jw5QblNRW221Y9J1-FjB9W4yqxZg8M8JxCW4QTTvt337Qv7W675qTD7538PbW28GyVv4yDDnzW4JR5k41WlGtfN5Y9Ktpvhf22W7Sh31_1fzNSDW3bB7sK2HS2QtW2DXf_Z1Mj3PrW3qrjTf5ltM38W30QHkz4m57S9W3h0WF64s7srPW52qm0J6MfbMgW3VbfWp8y9kBgW9btw8F9cDR7BW40hRnj6CYzFbW4g6gXJ1cYbNcW8R67kp2mzT1lW2qYsW96XK4vSW6ssQ2D1_qZwPW8KJsg22YnGFjW2Hqf4H4KngqbW8b4pRj6YHXvvW7SzQG74Y8twlN7pHj8zgPj0GVMGJcd2Gw9N7N7m6qLhfnzrgW5sCknh6KPpdQW144rwQ3mxwxGW8bcw-V10JFdRW7_XNTg9bR-LTW8jtMJ61Y2B-5N4K7D64qRZ7XN68_fhWgMrLcW3-rfS319r_ZwVN9J251THx1xW2Ycj6v638hhxW2bwSGt7LjLqHW86GgTd8LB5HhN1TNn6dYt41LW1Nf0h76mWFvkW6w4ScC5P175MN5jd-W_7tCrqW3th9Bc8N9nwfW4BDTv_4NtDWqW5dCT5c5tKWXxW4zm_KN61yf9XW9kH8zd7zN2WfW1qRYLv2SFTS_W3KJ3lp63XJp3W3-3VZN1NHbw8W6SkFSL30_GpfW39CVlT1gp7WLVmgyPp95mmVwW4dB6pT3NXF60W4v1PJ61SS3X6W1Hnzry88GLQjW62Tj3d2MxWNDW1vNSJn5TgPGjW6Dv1MR2dmdzwW4JGrc96XDcbyW6tMH5D7V3WJcVZ699b6wQvGnW49zp7C3rrTp4W4nnVbb7jBkHhW6zsVDh4svyN-W10Ldqw8c6jGrW2Wrh4P5_mHpdN4vtTZzKnN94W67jHMr4fM2wpN1rZlh3CGzjnW9lkcVT6YkD0XVrVk044MhnrSW1gJ10B8yB_SZ38d81>

My favourite topic is "Gazebo and PX4, new models, and simulation workflows".

Timothy - could you please consider doing a presentation for us (not necessarily on Gazebo and PX4, new models, and simulation workflows, although that would be neat)? I invited someone to attend an OCLUG meeting, and I think this would appeal to them too.  Even if not this month, maybe in August?

From: Katherine Mcmillan <kmcmi046 [ at ] uottawa [ dot ] ca>
Sent: 10 July 2023 18:07
To: Timothy Forbes <tf [ at ] greenbullfrog [ dot ] com>
Cc: Linux-Ottawa <linux [ at ] linux-ottawa [ dot ] org>
Subject: Re: [linux] Open Source Software for Research and Fleet Management

Hi all,

I did also just notice that I received this from Timothy (thanks Timothy!), and somehow missed it in an email avalanche at the time.

From: Timothy Forbes <tf [ at ] greenbullfrog [ dot ] com>
Sent: 14 June 2023 15:33
To: Katherine Mcmillan <kmcmi046 [ at ] uottawa [ dot ] ca>
Cc: Linux-Ottawa <linux [ at ] linux-ottawa [ dot ] org>
Subject: Re: [linux] Open Source Software for Research and Fleet Management

Attention : courriel externe | external email

Without making any commitment to an OCLUG presentation...

Gliding clubs in Canada and around the globe have a project called Open
Glider Network (OGN).


Aircraft are using a proprietary collision avoidance device called a
Flarm -or- an inexpensive, programmable GPS/radio such as a TTGO T-Beam.


Those devices transmit their positions.

Dotted around the landscape are land-based OGN receivers that feed
captured positions into the OGN database on the Internet. Live tracking
can be seen at


There is no live traffic ATM, but it sometimes looks like this


Timothy Forbes

On 2023-06-07 20:37, Katherine Mcmillan wrote:
> Hello all,
>  I have been looking at some Open Source Tracking software (for legal
> purposes such as business land fleet management, tracking of public
> health transportation vehicles, and approved research drone work). I
> stumbled upon an interesting group of Canadian Veterans who are
> completing their advanced drone pilot licenses for second careers -
> very cool from multiple perspectives. If anyone here is a Canadian
> Veteran and is interested in this, please feel free to contact me
> privately and I can tell you more about them.  If you already know
> METAR/TAF you're really golden (for example, I have my full ground
> school completed for my private pilot's license and this is apparently
> quite overkill).
>  I found a decent list of options for open source GPS-based tools
> (https://www.goodfirms.co/gps-tracking-software/blog/best-free-open-source-gps-tracking-software)
> and I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with these or other
> open source software for GPS-based tracking?  If so, would you
> consider giving an OCLUG presentation please?
>  Thank you,
>  Katie

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