Virtual Software Systems announces ShadowDisk/Z If you use z/VM and z/Linux this webinar should be very interesting. ShadowDisk/Z is a software implementation to z/VM which allows multiple Linux virtual machines to transparently share part or all of a virtual Linux file system, without altering the base FS Key Benefits . Significantly reduces test/developer disk requirements for multiple-user Linux application testing . Significantly lessens FS backup/restore requirements, since the DB contains only active FS blocks. . Databases can be shared among multiple users. . Utilities provided to query, backup, and restore ShadowDisk/Z databases. . Provides for the creation of databases which do not require a base FS (NOBASE option). Join us for a live overview of ShadowDisk and a demonstration of the Key Benefits above. Click here to Register <> Approx. 1 Hour. Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: cid:image005.png@01D46C7E.B2B480C0 Virtual Software Systems, Inc. <> Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: TSI TSI/TPF