HiCamerata is a name for a group of people with shared goals, working together to help each other with a common goal, such as to improve something.They generally get together in real life, not just online.They may also help each other to get better at the skills needed for the thing they are working on together. Like a meetup, but with more interaction.Like a hackathon, but with more interaction. I think such a group could be supported by online software, and could be an online group, as well as IRL. More about the camerata idea, in an article on Medium called The origins of Opera and the Future of Programming. For each group in the system, there would be one or more sets of related articles, possibly called a book.Each article would have one author, with the ability to allow one other person at a time to edit it instead of them.Articles would be private or public.There would be discussion streams for each article, for each book, for the group as a whole.I would expect date and conversation access, like a mail list archive, as well as the long stream. Each group would have 0 or more offline meetup groups, with scheduled meetings and locations, descriptions of the event - speakers, topics. OK, there's more.There would not be one site, but loads, like Mastadon.Each site would have a streaming list of recent articles, tailored to the logged-in viewer like Medium. In other words, based on your preferences and history of what you veiwed, groups you subscribed to.You can subscrbe to groups as a reader, separately from joining as a member/author. There would be a stream of articles from other sites.You would click on that link in the summary in the stream, and read the article on it's home site, probably.You can comment on articles, comments are threaded so you can have conversations.Comments on one article are one of the discussion streams for that article. Each group would have a stream of it's own articles.Each group would also have a list of the bookshelves.Each book would have an heirarchical toc, like a book or magazine.Maybe there could be a mindmap view?You can view/read the book as a whole, with ability to jump around in it to other articles. I think I have too many features in this software already. <grin> There could be presentations in the book as well. WYSIWYG editor, plus ReST source editor. I will post more details in a GitLab repo later this weekend. Any comments? Know of any open source software that is close to (parts of) this, that I could fork, or just learn from? All my very best,Rob -- Rob Echlin, B. Eng. 613-266-8311 - Ottawa, Canada - https://linkedin.com/in/robechlin- https://medium.com/@rechlin