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[OCLUG-Tech] Popup Linux

Hi all! My name is Rob Brandon, and I wanted to let you know that I am running an event called Popup Linux at Algonquin College next month.

Popup Linux takes place on the second floor of J building on:

    Monday April 4, 4 p.m.-6 p.m.
    Tuesday April 5, 3 p.m.-5 p.m.
    Thursday April 7, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
    Friday April 8, 10 a.m.-11 a.m.

This is a class exercise for students from the Computer System Technician program. Distributions that the students will make available to try and learn more about include:

Fedora, openSUSE, Mageia, ClearOS, CentOS, PCLinuxOS, Rosa, Korora, OpenMandriva Lx, Scientific Linux, Oracle Linux, Rockstor, Chapeau, Qubes OS, Zorin, Linux Mint, Debian, Ubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Kylin, Xubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Ubuntu GNOME, deepin, LXLE, Lubuntu, Linux Lite, Tails, Cub Linux, NetRunner, Bodhi Linux, SteamOS, Q4OS, Ultimate Edition, SparkyLinux, PeppermintOS, WattOS, siduction, Pinguy, antiX, elementary, Backbox, Makulu, Robolinux, EmmaBuntu, Neptune, SolydXK, Semplice Linux, Trisquel, HandyLinux, Clonezilla Live, GParted Live, Voyager Live, Linux Mangaka, ExTiX, Parsix GNU-Linux, Tanglu, AV Linux, ELive, Univention, RebeccaBlackOS, Slackware, VectorLinux, AbsoluteLinux, Salix, Zenwalk Linux, Wifislax, ASTRUMI, Porteus, DragonflyBSD, GhostBSD, OpenBSD, Arch, Manjaro, Antergos, KaOS, ArchBang, Chakra, BlackArch Linux, Solus, Sabayon, FreeBSD, Puppy, Quirky, Simplicity, NixOS, Tiny Core, 4mLinux, PC-BSD, CRUX, Kwort Linux, Gentoo, Calculate Linux, Alp

The event is free, anyone is welcome to attend. Please forward this message on to anyone who might be interested.


Rob Brandon, Professor
Information & Communications Technology
613-727-4723, Ext. 7217, Office T316