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Re: [OCLUG-Tech] want to clarify a fast-forward merge in git

What's happening here is that branch Y was created from commit X, and
the maintainer did not rebase branch X onto branch Y before merging.
It's not advised (more on that later), but nothing is stopping you
from doing it either.

>                      Y1 -- Y2 -- Y3 (branches before merging)
>                     /
>             ... -- X -- X1 -- X2

This situation is pretty easy to never run into if you only have a
single person working on a repository at a time. I'll use my own
repository as an example:


You'll notice I don't even have a single merge in the history, and the
other developers don't have write access either. Because everybody has
the same HEAD, I can just rebase their branch onto mine (none of their
commit hashes will change unless I start changing history, which I did
by mistake on one large batch of commits; oops).

In a large project, what I did above becomes unmanageable very
quickly. Keeping a hundred developers all up to date with the exact
same source gets difficult. (Rebasing is also probably a bad idea if I
start changing their commit hashes.)

The reason why keeping your branch HEADs up to date is /suggested/ is
because you'll never have any conflicts during a merge (since they
would already have to be solved). In general, it's more likely that
the developer who created the conflict will have a better idea on how
to solve it compared to the repository maintainer (assuming that role
is a different person).

If you're coming from Subversion, sync merge is basically the same as
rebasing your master branch onto your feature branch to keep it up to