It was running kamikazee OK before I tried to upgrade to backfire I tried the update firmware option from the luci menu and it seemed to work except now nothing shows up on http:// and nmap (nmap can't find it When it starts the power light blinks , then the dmz light comes on then only the power and connect light remain solid. I tried tfpt echo -e "binary\nrexmt 1\ntimeout 60\ntrace\nput openwrt-brcm47xx- squashfs.trx\n" | tftp and atfpt atftp --trace --option "timeout 1" --option "mode octet" --put --local-file openwrt-brcm47xx-squashfs.trx both fail it doesn't respond to pings, telnet, ssh on the default 192.168.11 or netcat on port 4190 or 5050 both ports are mentioned in documention hitting reset while the dmz is lit doesn't enter failsafe either Any suggestions? Is anyone setup to try jtag? -- Collector of vintage computers