I've a new Asus UL30 that is quite nicely running Ubuntu 9.10. (For info, Debian testing
AMD64 crashed the wired ethernet -- rebooting in the Win7 even showed no adapter! Had to
power down and restart. If anyone wants to try to sort this out to submit a bug report,
contact me off list.)
However, my main problem now is to turn on SHMConfig so I can control the touchpad with
synclient etc. I've tried about half a dozen different suggested fdi policy files for hal
with no apparent success. I'm still told that
john@ul30karmic:~$ synclient -h
Can't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?
If someone has experience playing around with SHMConfig (or touchpad controls), please get
in touch. The jumpy touchpad is annoying on an otherwise fine machine.