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Re: [OCLUG-Tech] acceptable bourne shell function names

On 30/06/09 Bart Trojanowski said:

> See if this works for you...
> git config --global alias.dirstatus '!ls -d1 */.git | xargs -n1 -i{} sh -c
> "cd {}/.. && echo Checking {} && git ls-files --exclude-standard -tousmd"'  
> I took the liberty to using git ls-files instead of git status.  Feel
> free to change it back to use git-status if you like it more :)

Looks like the arguments to ls-files aren't quite right.

usage: git ls-files [-z] [-t] [-v]
(--[cached|deleted|others|stage|unmerged|killed|modified])* [ --ignored ]
[--exclude=<pattern>] [--exclude-from=<file>] [
--exclude-per-directory=<filename> ] [--exclude-standard] [--full-name]
[--abbrev] [--] [<file>]*

Swapping ls-files with a simple "git status" works though.

Michael P. Soulier <msoulier [ at ] digitaltorque [ dot ] ca>
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a
touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction."
--Albert Einstein

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