Hi, I've got now since Michael was so helpful my other scripting problems I now have another unexpected one as a result. I've cobbled togther a bunch of scripts with allow me to rsync or wget all the images from our various publisher. That has lead to a directory with 50,000 images. The attached script converts all images to our standard size and image type. My problem is that I've now an unknow number of bad images which are killing this script before it completes. So I've been searching through the various Imagemajick utils that I can use to root out these bad images before they kill my pics_convert script and further to prevent it from happening again. If you have any suggestions let me know. -- Bruce Harding, Member: IEEE, SPIE, IACR Manager, Computer Books for Less 210 Bank St. Ottawa ON K2P 1W2 Phone: 613-233-7357 Fax: 613-233-6823