The failure rate of burning CDs on my computer has always been about 50%. I always assumed I just bought a bad batch of CDs. I am moving to Alberta Saturday so am now backing up a lot of data. For my last 10 CDs the failure rate was 100%. I then bought some maxell premium CDs. The first 3 of them also failed. I am now assuming the problem is with the CD burner and that it needs replacing. I figure I might as well buy a burner that can burn CDs and DVDs. Can any one recommend a good DVD burner to buy? Where to buy it might also help. Must be able to buy it today or tomorrow. I am running ubuntu 6.10 (and will upgrade once my stuff is backed up). Is it possible my CD burner just needs cleaning? Is is possible that updates of ubuntu 6.10 have added a bug causing this? I think this unlikely. Thanks in advance for any advice. Ralph Boland -- Quantum Mechanics cannot save us from the tyranny of a deterministic universe but it does give God something to do -- Ralph P. Boland