OCLUG members -- perhaps someone can help out (I'm going out of town for
a while, otherwise would offer).
CHeers, JN
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Ubuntu
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 20:01:28 -0400
From: D'Albert <dlyngard [ at ] rogers [ dot ] com>
To: info [ at ] oclug [ dot ] on [ dot ] ca
Is there anyone in your organization that would be interested in
setting up ref. subject on my computer. I am trying to learn how to
use the Linux operating system but I need someone to advise me.I will
pay for their time.
My name is Dal Lyngard.I reside at 153 Post Road, Kanata. Phone is
613-836-1555.If someone could be found, it would be very much appreciated.
Even if no one in OCLUG is available a commercial source would be appreciated.
Thank you.