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[OCLUG-Tech] Real-time image viewers

I'm looking for (Linux-based) software that can view (and perhaps
catalogue), in real time, images like webcams, graphs, NASA imagery,
weather radar, etc.

Some are dirt simple, like "this file on disk is updated now and then,
so refresh from disk".  Some are a little trickier, like URLs where
every access gives you a fresh image, so I have to decide the refresh
frequency myself.

Others have a single URL, but the latest image is only updated at
certain times.  If an image is updated every five minutes on the
fives, I'd want to access it at (for example) 9:05:30, 9:10:30, etc.
If I get the same picture (slow update), maybe retry at 9:06:30,
9:07:30, etc.

Others have a URL based on the time (and also have the "new image
every n minutes" characteristic, above).  So I'd want to access
image_200604120905.png, say.

Currently, I have Perl scripts that use the same core but are
hardcoded and custom tailored to each set of images.  I've got solar
graphs and ultraviolet/magnetic imagery, local weather radar and
weather satellite imagery, network layout and status graphs, etc., all
of which use "feh" as their full-screen X11 display program.  (Some
like my network status graph are as simple as running "feh" with the
"refresh" option set, since they're just local files.)

If such a program doesn't exist -- and now that I detail all my specs,
I'm much more doubtful that it does -- I guess I'll just have to make
something myself, or live with my current scripts.  But I figured
maybe I'd luck out here. :)

Failing that, I'd also love to find a full-screen X11 viewer that I
can somehow control externally, e.g. "change to this picture", from
a program -- sort of like a picture version of XMMS (which has APIs
for external control).  That way, whatever I write can skip the
whole GUI aspect.

Obviously, it's a little hard to Google, so I'm hoping someone has
experience with a similar program.  And having said that, I'm sure
that if it does exist, Murphy's Law says it'll turn out I was just
using the wrong keywords and I'll look like a goof. ;)

(BTW, hope this isn't off-topic for the "linux" list, since I'm
discussing Linux-based software.  If it is, let me know so we don't
spam the wrong list.)

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