tiller man wrote: > For the last few weeks, I have been allocating extremely large amounts of memory in the programs I have been writing. I keep running into the same problem. > > The amount of memory I am allocating is almost certainly larger than the amount of physical memory that the machine has available. Not being a linux expert, I assumed that the machine would be able to handle this fairly gracefully through virtual memory allocation. But it doesn't. > > And thats where the problem is. It doesn't fail in the call to malloc() or realloc(), it appears to continue running. However, the machine locks up at this point. > (Well so it would seem, I am not sure if it still running the process at all, or just being extremely slow, as I only print out debugging information every 1000 allocations or so). > > Now, I currently access this machine(AMD64 with 1GB of memory I believe) through ssh, as it is not located directly at my workplace. After the process has allocated a certain amount of memory, I can't kill it, as it is completely unresponsive. I can't open another ssh session with the machine either. I just get no response from anything. As a result, I have to email someone working next to the machine to tell them to restart the machine every time this happens. > > Obviously, this is extremely inconvenient for all involved. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this and / or possible solutions? My knowledge of Linux is fairly limited, so I am not able to provide much information (especially as I cannot do anything when it locks up), so I will just provide the output of uname -a as an indicator (please advise me on providing more useful information, I know this isnt much to go on). > How big is your swap file? If you run out of Physical memory your data gets written to swap, and if you are using a lot of swap, it may become VERY sluggish. -- Charles MacDonald Stittsville Ontario cmacd [ at ] TelecomOttawa [ dot ] net Just Beyond the Fringe http://www.TelecomOttawa.net/~cmacd/ No Microsoft Products were used in sending this e-mail.