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[OCLUG-Tech] Zaurus Linux review


416mhz Intel XScale CPU
128MB flash memory
4GB internal microdrive
3.7" 640 x 480 TFT CG Silicon display (pivotable, touchscreen)
CF card slot
SD card slot
Integrated QWERTY thumbboard
Mini-USB port (USB 1.1 compatible, supports USB host)
IR port
Mono speaker
Headphone jack (can also be used with external microphone)
Size: 4.9 x 3.4 x 1.0 inches (124 x 87 x 25mm).
Weight: 10.5 ounces (298 grams).

-- Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur --
   ,__@ 	tOM Trottier
 _-\_<, 	758 Albert St., Ottawa ON Canada  K1R 7V8
(*)/'(*)	N45.412 W75.714 	+1 613 860-6633
<a href="http://Abacurial.com";>Abacurial Information 
     Q,  Q,
    </  </    	I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences
 (`-/---/-')	attending too much liberty than to those 
~~@~~~~@~~~~~~	too small a degree of it.-Thomas 

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