Bart Trojanowski wrote:
I wanted to have a pager that would decide if the text was being worth
paged. That is a pager that behaved like cat if the text would fit on
the screen, and would behave like less if the text would not fit on the
Here is my attempt:
This is the first time I've used bash arrays, and am not a huge fan. :)
Can any of you bash gurus find a way to shorten the code?
I don't claim to be a guru, but here's one attempt...
function least() {
if [ -n "$*" ]; then
cat "$@" | least
return $?
case "$LINES" in
'') LINES=20 ;;
*[^0-9]*) LINES=20 ;;
start="$(head -$(($LINES + 1)))"
if [ $(printf "%s" "$start" | wc -l) -le $LINES ]; then
printf "%s" "$start"
( printf "%s" "%start"; cat; ) | $PAGER
Warning: I haven't tested this, not even for syntax errors, and I
haven't really thought it through. There are certainly errors of
generality (this is Ian!'s cue... :-)). For one thing, lines long
enough to wrap might throw it off - but you knew that.
Also, if your pager is vim, you could try using a vim script. This
would probably allow a more accurate test for whether the file fits on
one page.
And, for those who use less, there's 'less -F' or 'less -XF'.